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Skincare and hair care hacks

     In this fast hectic and Chaotic world that we live in, there are always too many things to do, too many places to be in but a too short time in our hands. But there are things that we need to have time for, so luckily I have a few super awesome easy hacks that can be the answer to our busy lives. Most of us don't have the time to follow the 10 steps of a skincare routine like Koreans, do in their skincare routine. But a hectic schedule is no excuse to neglect your skin and if you seriously have no time to take care of your skin, then investing in a good and light moisturizer, is the key just like Nivea soft. Which is all in one cream with jojoba oil and vitamin E that refreshes your skin, leaving It soft and supple all day long and it's a non-greasy, long-lasting, and fast-absorbing cream. 

An emergency beauty kit is essential for a girl. if you are heading out post-work or staying at a friend's house, you need to keep some must-have products with you to look your absolute best at all times. For all girls you have must carry sanitary napkins in your bag.

Pro tips:- If you are not carrying your perfume, the trick is to apply perfume on your pulse point and neck before going out or going to work. The pressure points naturally radiate heat, helping the fragrance evaporate making the perfume last longer.
     But just in case, the perfume wear's off and you are not carrying one. Then a moisturizer can double up as a perfume. So pick and choose any moisturizer or Nivea soft and make your scent linger on and smell good all day long. 
  For small pimples, take small a pinch of salt and turmeric in 1 tablespoon of flour and mix well, and then apply it on pimples overnight. Salt makes skin soft and turmeric has antibacterial properties but doesn't apply it too much. Before applying anything on the face please do a patch test. 

   What to do if you have blackheads in your nose, scrubs your nose weekly once. For homemade scrubs, you need 1/2 tablespoon of coffee powder or rice flour and 2-3 drops of lemon juice and coconut oil then mix it like a smooth paste.

Then scrub it for 4 to 5 minutes and wash it with cold water. Then use toner to minimize open pores. For homemade toner, take some cucumber slice and put them in a jar also with some mint leaves with a glass of water to it and leave it overnight, then your homemade toner is ready to use. After scrubbing and toning must apply any moisturizer.

   Haircare routine is as important as a skincare routine. Our hair is getting thinner,  damaged, and falling out day by day due to expose to Sun and pollution. I personally feel a hair care regime is extremely necessary, so first step in my hair care regime is oiling. I try to oiling my hair at least twice a week. I personally use simple coconut oil. It's not necessary to use any specific brand hair oil. In fact you can prepare homemade oil at home. first we need to take coconut oil, olive oil and almond oil in equal quantity and mix them well, you can either apply overnight or apply 45 minutes to an hour before taking shower. 

Step 2:- In my hair Care regime is applying shampoo, i prefer to shampoo my hair at least two to three times per week. It also depends on the the kind of hair you have. You can use any kind of shampoo there are lots of shampoo brands available in the market. But make sure that the shampoo is sulfate free. After shampooing we will use a conditioner make sure that the conditioner is applied only on the hair length not on the scalp and keep it for 4 to 5 minutes then wash it off. For drying our hair, we should let it dry naturally, don't use a blow dryer unless it's extremely urgent or necessary. Next is using a good hair serum, apply on partially wet hair, take few drops and rub it on your hands and then gently massage your hair lengths not on scalp.

Step 3: Hair mask
 Applying hair masks two to three times in a month. you can use homemade masks as well as market products. For homemade masks you need a ripe banana and 2 tablespoon of coconut oil. Grind it in blender for smooth paste. Make sure that the paste is smooth. Apply it on hair length and massage it then keep it for 40 to 50 minutes. Then shampooing your hair but you don't need to apply any conditioner. That is the pro hair care tips you can follow easily to get smooth, shiny and silky hair.

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  1. Coconut oil is good for hairs and thanks for sharing these useful tips for skin and hair. To control hair fall then use hair care organic oil
