

The Proper way of eating Vegetables and Fruits to get more health benifits

The role of eating vegetables to stay healthy and strong is infinite. Cheap and inexpensive vegetables keep the body healthy, strong and also cure any physical illnesses. All the green vegetables are low in fat, it is very important to eat vegetables to keep the body healthy. Vegetables contain minerals and vitamins. These help the body to become more alkaline. The fiber in vegetables helps in cleansing the stomach. However, vegetables should always be eaten fresh. 
If the peel is removed from the vegetables, the nutritional value of the vegetable is greatly reduced. The vitamins and minerals of vegetable peels are valuable for the body. 

Here are some ways to avoid wasting vitamins in vegetables

  1) After cutting the vegetables, do not wash them. We should wash the vegetables before cutting. 
  2) After cutting, do not soak vegetables in water for a long time. 
  3) Do not cut vegetables too long before cooking.
  4) Do not cut the vegetables into very thin pieces. 
  5) After cutting vegetables, they should not come in contact with too much sun or wind. This reduces the quality of vegetables. 
  6) Eat salad without salt by mixing two or three types of vegetables with lettuce leaves. 
  7) We should make salads just before serving. 

    Those who eat digestible simple foods i.e. Rice, Dal, Milk, Fruits, Vegetables, and also those who do not smoke or drink alcohol, they do not need to take any medicine or extra vitamin pills. Vitamins and minerals are found in nature from vegetables, fruits, etc. Even if they are eaten in large quantities, there is no fear of harm. But, we should always remember that no matter how much we eat vegetables, fruits, etc, we should drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. It helps to digest our foods. 

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