

5 Best Summer Drink Recipes You Should Try For Refreshment

Summer Drink Recipes You Should Try


Summer drinks help us to cool down our bodies on summer days. These drinks prevent dehydration, digestion and help to calm down our body from heat. 
Here are 5 refreshing Summer drinks that can help you cool down and refresh your body and make these drinks at home very easy. 

1) Aam Panna:- 

To prepare this 5 minutes recipe (aam Panna) first you need half mango pulp, you have to peeled and chopped it well, Half mint leaves, 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice, Dates for natural sweetness, 1 tablespoon of black salt, and 1 large cup of water then mix these all things in a blender very well. Now Aam Panna is ready to drink. You can also add ice cubes(optional). 

2) Ice Tea:- 

To prepare this Ice Tea, You need one glass of water, Sugar (as per taste), and boil it. Now add 1/4 tbsp tea leaves, stir it well. Add 1/2 tbsp of crushed ginger (optional), when tea gets boiled just filter it and let it cool down, and keep it aside. For serving it, add a lemon slice and 2-3 mint leaves, crush it properly, now add tea into the glass and add some ice. In the end, add 1 tbsp lemon juice (optional) and Ice Tea is ready. 

3) Mint Mojito:- 

To prepare this refreshing drink, first, you take a bowl, add some Mint leaves, 2 slices of Lemon. Mash these things lightly, don't mash them too much. Now, take a glass and add the mashed mint leaves and lemon. Add 1 tbsp of lemon juice and sugar (as per taste). Now add ice cubes to the glass. In the end, add any type of soda drink or cold drinks like 7up, Sprite, etc. Mix it with a spoon. Now refreshing Mint Mojito is ready to serve.

4) Rooh-Afza lemonade:- 

Rooh afza is known as a very refreshing drink in the Summer season. To prepare this very simple drink, first, you take a bowl, add 2-3 tbsp of Lemon juice, 5-6 Mint leaves and crush it. Add them to the bowl, Pour 2-3 tbsp Rooh Afza, Add Sugar (according to taste). In the end, pour icy cold water. Mix all the things well. Now, Rooh Afza lemonade is ready to drink. Serve it in a glass with crushed ice and mint leaves. 

5) Lemon Water:- 

This is one of the simplest and easiest drinks to make. To prepare this Lemon water, first, you need a glass of water, Add Sugar (as per taste), a pinch of black salt and 2-3 tbsp lemon juice then mix it well for 2 minutes. Now, add ice cubes. Lemon Water is ready to drink. This simple lemon water helps you to refresh and calm down your body on summer days.

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