

Try This Instant Skin Glowing and Brightening Milk Facial At Home

Instant Skin Glowing and Brightening Milk Facial


Facials are necessary to make our skin more healthy, radiant, fresh, and glowing. There are many facial kit brands are available in the market. But, you can make a facial at home with natural ingredients to get the same results as a parlor. This milk facial is made with natural things. Every skin type people can do this facial at home. 

We'll do this homemade milk Facial in four steps.   
              1. Cleansing
              2. Exfoliation
              3. Facial Massage
              4. Face Mask/Pack

1) Cleansing:- 

For cleansing, you need a cotton boll and 2-3 tablespoons of Raw Milk. Now, dip the cotton boll in raw Milk. Then wipe your face and your neck gently. Cleansing is very necessary because of cleansing the dirt and dust are removed from your face. We all know that pure raw milk is safe and it doesn't irritate our skin. 

2) Exfoliation (scrubbing):- 

To prepare this homemade scrub, first, you need 2 tbsp Wheat flour or Rice Flour and 2-3 tbsp raw milk and mix it well. Now take this scrub on your fingers, apply it on your face and neck area and gently massage in a circular motion for 5-10 minutes. Don't massage near the eye area. After exfoliation, wash it with cold water. You can see all the dead skin cells are removed. And Weekly once you should gently scrub your face. 

3) Facial Massage:-

 Facial Massage helps in promoting blood circulation which makes our skin glowing, healthy, and radiant. To make this homemade facial massage, take 2-3 tbsp fresh Yogurt/Curd, Add 1 vitamin E capsule (optional), and 1 spoon of Honey. Mix it well and apply it to your face and neck area. specially forehead, chin area, and chicks. Gently massage your face for at least 15 minutes. Now wash your face with water or wipe with a cotton boll.

4) Facial Pack/Mask:- 

For this facial mask, take 1 tbsp Wheat flour/Fuller's earth( Multani mitti), 1 pinch of Wild turmeric powder (Kasturi Haldi), 1-2 tbsp Gram flour, 1-2 tbsp raw milk, and few drops of Rosewater( optional). Now mix these all things to make a smooth paste and apply this mask to your face and neck. After applying this mask, leave it for 15 minutes to dry. After 15 minutes wash your face with water. Now you can see the difference in your skin.

 Note: Do this facial once or twice a month for better results. 

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  1. These tips are amazing and I apply this in a week. To Get naturally glowing skin vegan collagen booster is good.
